Thursday, February 26, 2015

Romancefest 2015: The Secret in Their Eyes

I've been meaning to see this 2009 flick from Spain ever since it won the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Academy Awards.

Ricardo Darin stars as a police detective who becomes obsessed with a rape/murder he investigated early in his career and decides to write a novel about it in his retirement. In doing so he decides to go back and visit his old boss, the attractive and graceful Soleded Villamil, who he was always interested in but never knew exactly how to make a move.

The film jumps back and forth in time and in and out of Darin's novel as we unravel the mystery: Darin believes he was able to figure out who the killer was based on the look in a suspect's eyes. Villamil isn't so sure that's possible.

We follow the investigation as Darin checks in with the victim's (Carla Quevedo)) husband (Pablo Rago), and follows up leads on his suspect (Isidoro Gomez).

Aside from the twisting and turning storyline that will keep you guessing, the greatest thing this movie has going for it is Darin as a leading man. He's so sympathetic and you believe in him so much, you'll follow him anywhere. This is an important quality to have in a detective lead in a mystery. Guys like Bogart played detectives for a reason: you believed they were hard edged when they needed to be even though you could tell they were softies underneath. They were guys you could trust. And you sense, just from looking at Darin's face, that you can trust him.

In a sense, Darin's face is a microcosm of the movie's entire point: maybe you can tell something important about someone just from the look in their eyes.

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