Thursday, October 13, 2016

Horrorfest 2016: Opera

Let's head to Italy for Dario Argento's 1987 flick OPERA. Argento's no stranger to Horrorfest. Some of his flicks are awesome (DEEP RED), others  are just okay (INFERNO) but from the music to the cinematography to the gore, they're all stylish.

OPERA is kind of a Cliff's Notes retelling of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, with Cristina Marsillach as an understudy who is pushed to center stage when the opera's star suffers an accident. There's a murder in the theater the first night of her performance, and many other murders follow, with the mysterious killer tying up Marsillach each time and using needle-like apparatuses on her eyes to force her to watch.

The opera house setting is beautiful, there's a gorgeous mountainside climax, the murder scenes feature good special effects and "inventive" kills, and the movie is filled with complex shots. There's also a great soundtrack featuring the likes of Brian Eno and Bill Wyman.

But this is one of those Argento movies that's technically awesome while totally lacking in the story department. For instance, the whole "forcing you to watch murder" thing is contrived. It makes for great movie scenes, but even if a killer propped my eyes open with apparatuses that would stab my eyeballs with needles if I dared to blink, I would still blink, because blinking is involuntary.

Also, our heroine doesn't even go to the cops after she escapes the first attack. Stuff like this made a lot of the movie hard to swallow. It's pretty typical of an Argento flick – they usually have more of a dream like logic than any kind of plot logic, and that's not always a bad thing, but sometimes it gets in the way.

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