Monday, February 27, 2017

Romancefest 2017: Fatal Attraction

The third time's the charm for Adrian Lyne this Romancefest with FATAL ATTRACTION, by far the best of his 3 films I viewed this month. I guess it just had the strongest story and that was all that was really missing from Lyne's other efforts. Who knew.

Michael Douglas stars as a legal dude at a big publisher who is happily married and has a kid. He meets one of the editors (Glenn Close) at the publishing company at a company party, his wife (Anne Archer) leaves for the weekend, one thing leads to another and Douglas and Close are knockin' boots.

After their one night stand, Douglas foolishly thinks he can move on with his life but Close has other things in mind. Douglas also foolishly gives in and spends the weekend with her, and THEN thinks he can move on with his life, but Close STILL has other things in mind (attempted suicide).

So, now: Douglas is trapped between wanting to hide the affair from his life in an effort to keep his family together, and having to appease Close, who begins to act increasingly erratic and threatens to expose him if he doesn't do what she wants. He tries everything, including moving to the country, but no dice. Close will not give up and things escalate to animal abuse and kidnapping.

This movie was obviously a big hit but did you know it was nominated for best picture? Well, it was. I liked it, too. Like a good Hitchcock movie, the story deals with something anyone can identify with – a guilty conscience. Like, I'm not saying everyone's an adulterer, I'm just saying everyone's done something once or twice they were afraid might come back and bite them in the ass at some point.

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