Monday, October 26, 2020

Horrorfest 2020: Hammerfest - Blood from the Mummy's Tomb

Starring Valerie Leon, Andrew Keir, Mark Edwards, James Villiers, Hugh Burden and Aubrey Morris

Written by Christopher Wicking, based on the book by Bram Stoker 

Directed by Seth Holt

By movie four, the Hammer MUMMY series has more than worn out its welcome, but at least you can say this about BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY'S TOMB -- it's sorta unique. For instance, there's no bandaged mummy to speak of. Just an evil Egyptian queen in suspended animation who is brought back from Egypt and set up in a recreated tomb in an obsessed professor's basement.

And, it's based on THE JEWEL OF THE SEVEN STARS by none other than Bram "Dracula" Stoker himself! So it has that going for it, which is nice.

The obsessed professor coincidentally (or maybe not coincidentally?) has a daughter who looks exactly like the Egyptian queen. The daughter has been having crazy nightmares, and is enlisted by a rival of her father's to resurrect the Egyptian queen. For this, they need the relics missing from the queen's rebuilt basement tomb, but each time they get one the person they got it from ends up dead.

There's some question throughout as to whether or not the daughter has some magical link to the Egyptian queen, and whether or not they'll both survive if the queen is resurrected, etc. You know, mummy stuff. At least it's not a lumbering guy in bandages acting as a hitman under the influence of some other guy. Still, it's kinda boring.

The final shot is funny and clever, though. Spoiler warning: after the carnage of the climactic final battle, only one person survives and ends up in the hospital -- we know it's either the daughter or the Egyptian queen, but we can't tell which because she's covered head-to-toe in bandages.

Get it? Like a mummy!

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