Friday, October 29, 2021

Horrorfest 2021: Chopping Mall

Chopping Mall (1986)
Written by Jim Wynorski and Steve Mitchell
Directed by Jim Wynorski
Starring Kelli Maroney, Tony O’Dell, John Terlesky, Russell Todd, Karrie Emerson, Barbara Crampton, Suzee Slater and Nick Segal

The final movie of the Hollywood Theater’s all-night horror movie marathon was CHOPPING MALL. This one falls into the category of movies where I’ve seen so many parts and heard so much talk that it FEELS like I’ve seen it before. But, truth be told, I never sat through the whole thing until the marathon made me. I’m glad I did – this movie’s great.

The premise revolves around a trio of security robots developed to protect the mall, and how, after being struck by lightning (SHORT CIRCUIT style) they go crazy and hunt down a few mall employees who stayed after hour to party and get laid. These kids get their shit together pretty quick and fight back, and guess what? All this goes down in, like, 80 minutes. This is my kind of movie.

Despite the fact that much of the running time is used up by scenes constructed specifically to get the girls’ tops off, the lead of the movie merges as a seemingly timid new girl at one of the mall restaurants who turns out to be the only one with her head screwed on enough to fight a robot apocalypse, outwitting even the boys in this survival situation, while simultaneously romancing the nerdiest (and least shitty) boy of all.

This is a Julie Corman production (her husband’s Roger) so it does a lot with a little, looking pretty great for a low budget effort, and never failing to entertain. Is the premise ridiculous? Of course. Does that make the movie even better? Also of course. 

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