Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Romancefest 2014: I Know Where I'm Going!

Now back to the UK for the thrilling conclusion of Romancefest with yet another Powell/Pressburger flick, I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!

This flick suffers a little from the conceit being dated -- the movie seems to put a lot of stock in the charm of the idea that their main character (Wendy Hiller) is a young woman who knows what she wants and, by gosh, is going to get it! That's not to say the movie itself isn't any good. It's just a little hard to overlook how in love with their own premise the filmmakers seem to be, especially within the first half hour or so.

After that we have other stuff to keep us busy. The story concerns a young woman (Hiller, who knows where she's going) who is traveling to a Scottish isle to marry a rich industrialist. On her way there, she's stopped when stormy weather makes the water impassable. Lingering in a small town, she meets another traveler who is also on his way to the Scottish isle, a naval officer (Roger Livesey) who also happens to own the Scottish isle in question, through family.

It's not giving much away to say that a romance develops between the two and it isn't long before our heroine is torn between the love that's right in front of her and the love that's across the water, the object of her ambition.

Like most Powell and Pressburger joints, I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING! is beautifully shot and features great special effects in the most unassuming of places, this time during a storm at sea. Livesey, who played the best pal in A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, is just as likable, if not moreso, here, and of course Hiller is plucky in her plucky role.

So, this is the end of Romancefest 2014. I'm proud to say I made it this year after failing last year. Well, no one's perfect.

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