Monday, August 24, 2009

"F" Martin Scorsese. "F" him.

I went to a midnight screening of INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS the other day. I haven't been to a midnight screening in a long time, but I had a friend in town visiting, and we both wanted to see it, and I had Friday off, so I thought, "What the hell?"

The last midnight screening I went to was for STAR WARS: EPISODE III - REVENGE OF THE SITH. You won't be surprised to learn that that screening was full of super nerds. That's why I shouldn't have been surprised to learn that this midnight screening of the new Quentin Tarantino movie was full of pretentious hipsters who think everything is ironic.

I didn't realize they were all jeering assholes until the trailers started. That's when they started shit talking everything, catcalling the screen, heckling and booing. It was dark, so I couldn't see, but I'm pretty sure they were also rolling their eyes a lot.

Like I said, I should have known. But here's the weird thing: the stuff they were acting too good for was stuff they should have liked. At least, I would have thought they would have liked.

For instance, there was a teaser for the new Christopher Nolan movie. It was met with derision from the audience. But why? Shouldn't these people like Christopher Nolan? I don't think I've ever seen a shitty Christopher Nolan movie. Even the one with Robin Williams was okay.

There was also a trailer for a new Martin Scorsese movie. Similarly, the audience seemed to be above Scorsese. Shouldn't it be illegal for a bunch of Tarantino fans to be too cool for Martin Scorsese? I mean, let's be honest. Without Martin Scorsese, there would be no Quentin Tarantino.

Guess what, though? It gets even weirder. A trailer for HALLOWEEN II came on, and the audience loved it. They ate it up. They literally cheered and applauded. I'm guessing a few dudes in the audience had to change their underwear.

So, let's review:

Christopher Nolan = eye rolls

Martin Scorsese = yawns

HALLOWEEN II = orgasms

Yeah, that makes sense.


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