Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Horrorfest 2015: Cravenfest - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child

The series continues its descent with this 1989 entry. Wilcox returns, marking the second entry for her.

The film starts off on a gruesome note with Wilcox hallucinating/dreaming herself into the role of Freddy's mother on the worst day of her life: the day she was locked into the mental institution and raped by everyone.

This bit of unpleasantness keeps popping up, continuing with an equally gruesome "birth" scene in which Wilcox hallucinates/dreams herself giving birth to some kind of Freddy/goblin baby, in the same mental institution.

Like some of the other movies in this series, this movie's biggest struggle is with tone. It wants Freddy to be kind of a funny antihero but also wants to be a gory, scary movie. So, the dream sequences have gone back to being dark and disgusting, like in the originals, but Freddy continues down the path of being a clown.

Wilcox once again has a whole new set of teen friends (she makes a new set of friends each year as her previous friends get killed off, but the movie doesn't acknowledge this, just expects us to accept it). Once again, her whole new set of friends is less likable than the last one. This is where things get problematic with slasher flicks: are they supposed to be unlikable so that we're happy when they get graphically murdered? If so, fuck that shit.

Either I wasn't paying close enough attention due to boredom or this movie makes no sense, but there was a little bit of a plot about Krueger's plans to somehow impregnate Wilcox and make her have his demon baby. Or something like that. I’m not quite clear on it.

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