Friday, October 2, 2015

Horrorfest 2015: Cravenfest - Stranger in our House (a.k.a. Summer of Fear)

Two horror icons team up when Wes Craven directs Linda Blair (THE EXORCIST) in STRANGER IN OUR HOUSE, a 1978 television movie later re-released overseas as SUMMER OF FEAR.

Blair stars as a teenage horse riding enthusiast who has to adjust when her college-aged cousin (Lee Purcell) moves in after losing her parents in a car crash. Everything seems fine at first but it isn't long before Blair notices Purcell putting the moves on first her boyfriend (Jeff East, young Clark Kent from SUPERMAN!) and later on her dad (Jeremy Slate). Purcell even steals Blair's best pal (Fran fucking Drescher!).

Not only all that, but Blair's usually well-trained horse freaks out any time Purcell's around and Blair breaks out in a mysterious bout of hives just when it's time to go to the dance. Blair pokes around and finds some weird stuff around their shared bedroom, including wax figures, spent matches and disfigured photographs.

Now, I don't want to spoil anything but I will say that Blair is lucky that a local expert in the occult happens to live in her neighborhood (Macdonald Carey of DAYS OF OUR LIVES fame).

Similar to THE HILLS HAVE EYES, STRANGER IN OUR HOUSE benefits from featuring a believable family. Blair might get a little whiny at times but she is playing a jealous teenager, after all. Purcell is perfect as the goody-goody who's up to no good.

Most of the movie is a slow burn but the climax really takes it to the next level and delivers without wimping out. There's even a "twist" ending that could have led to a made-for-TV sequel. I guess the ratings just weren't there.

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