Monday, February 25, 2019

Romancefest 2019: Emma

Written and Directed by Douglas McGrath
Based on the novel by Jane Austen
Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Toni Collette, Alan Cumming and Ewan McGregor
U.K./U.S., 1996

In 19th century England, a young woman who fancies herself an amateur matchmaker sets her sights on setting up a minister and an awkward acquaintance from the fringes of society. Of course, wacky hijinks ensue, including an unexpected romance with her sister’s husband’s brother.

Normally I reserve Romancefest for movies I’ve never seen before, but I made an exception for this one since it has been so long and since I remember it being so good. It was a favorite of Siskel’s and Ebert’s back when it came out, so I remember them talking about it all the time, and why wouldn’t they? It takes, again, what could be stuffy period stuff and makes it seem totally relevant, with an endlessly appealing star right in the middle of everything. You can’t stop watching the character because she’s incorrigible and you can’t stop watching the actress because she’s a natural.

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