Monday, February 25, 2019

Romancefest 2019: Three Colours: Red

Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski
Written by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz
Starring Irene Jacob and Jean-Louis Trintignant
France/Poland/Switzerland, 1994

The final chapter of the THREE COLOURS TRILOGY, this romantic mystery revolves around an unlikely friendship between a model and a retired judge. They’re brought together when she accidentally hits his dog with her car and discovers that he is a voyeur who listens in to his neighbor’s telephone conversations. There’s more to it than that, but this is one of those movies where the story is so twisty and turny and there are so many little coincidences and goings-on that it’s hard to encapsulate in a short paragraph.

I remember the THREE COLOURS TRILOGY from when I was a kid. My friends’ parents had a group that got together, and it was a favorite series of movies among them. Back then it seemed like the first chapter, BLUE, was the most popular, probably because it starred Juliet Binoche who was just making it big in America at the time. In any case, I remember watching BLUE back then and wondering what the big deal was. Watching RED this time, I appreciated the filmmaker’s style a lot more, so I should probably go back to BLUE (and also check out WHITE, which I’ve still never seen). My favorite thing about this movie is how it just sort of unfolds like one damn thing after another, the way life does – it is convoluted in the sense that there are many strings that eventually tie together, but it is not convoluted in the way the story is told, and that’s great.

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