Monday, June 1, 2009

Excuses, excuses.

I thought of the perfect excuse for not giving blood at work today. It was so obvious I should have thought of it years ago.

Usually, what happens is, I don't sign up to give blood. Then, at the last minute, the human resources people run around seeing if they can get anyone else to give blood. Sometimes it's just a matter of avoiding them, but usually they sneak up on you and you have to make up a reason on the spot why you don't want to give blood.

I've thought of bullshit political reasons, I've simply admitted it makes me uncomfortable, I've even given in on occassion and just gone through with it (though that's a bad move because then they never forget you).

Anyway, long story short (too late), I thought of the best excuse ever today. I decided I'd tell the human resources person that I was swamped with work and couldn't afford to be away from my desk for any amount of time.

I figured the human resources person would then say, "Oh it's no big deal, it'll be like 20 minutes."

To which I would say, "No, last time I was out for like an hour and I just can't risk that today with deadlines, etc."

And then, the human resources person would have to back off, because at work "having to work" is a bullet proof excuse.

So, I was all pumped.

And they never came around.

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