Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Know You Know That You're an April Fool

The only April Fool's day worth talking about is the one when I had my first kiss.

Me and my buddy Levi were in Jr. High and we were playing truth or dare with a couple chicks, teaming up to get them to kiss us.

We were too young and stupid to try to get them to kiss each other.

That night we arranged to go to the parking lot carnival with the girls, but both of them had to back out.  We went anyway, bought silly string, and shot each other with it.

When I got home my chick's best friend called and asked if I'd "go out" with her.  I said if she wanted to go out with me, she'd have to call me herself, because even then I was a control freak and attention whore.

So, she did.  And I said yes.

Three months later she dumped me.  APRIL FOOLS!

1 comment:

  1. That story will be a SNL skit one day...just remember that Ayden never gets the girl!
